Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Do We Value As Educators?

A discussion of what Elizabeth and I think are important in any classroom and what we think is important when teaching literature and composition specifically.


  1. I think that it is important to teach students how to work well in groups and individually.
    I think it is important to instill in students a love for reading and an ability to share their ideas and opinions in a competent manner.

  2. Cooperative learning. Making learning fun. Advocating for my students. Being a life long learner. Showing them how one subject spills over into another. Helping them to draw connections between Literature and real life. Making connections across the globe through skype and twitter and blogs. Constructivism.

  3. Subjects spilling over into others is great-- like your idea of using a song to inspire a creative writing piece (ie. the letter by Brad Paisley). I think that common preconceived notions that classics are boring or poetry is for froufrou girls need to be torn down!

  4. Indeed. I think students need to sample everything before they can form opinions about what they like and don't like, that is a critical function of a literature class.
